Take your business to the next level

Nimbus Marketing hub

Nimbus Marketing Hub is your go-to place ​whenever you need Nimbus material. Here you will find digital elements to support you and take your business to the next level as a Nimbus dealer.


Our Journals allow you to discover our handpicked styles for the season. Download them here.

Brand Images

Update your content with our branded images.

Social Media Posts

​​Download our social media posts for use on your own platforms.

Video Gallery

Explore our video gallery and get familiar with the Nimbus brand feeling.

Product information

Here you are able to find & download all the relevant information about our styles, including images, product sheets and size charts.


Get the Nimbus look in your Showroom. Check out our POS guide and update your showroom ​​with new materials.


​​Download wallpapers, linkedIn banners and signatures.

Brand logo

​​Download our Nimbus CPH Logo

Nimbus Images

You have the opportunity to download images from our Image Bank free of charge. But we ask you to respect all legislation regarding public use of the images. 

Read Image rights